
Bedroom Entitlement for LHA 2022: what it is

8 December 2022 by Robin - 9 minutes of reading time

bedroom entitlement

What is bedroom entitlement? How many bedrooms am I entitled to? Does bedroom entitlement impact my benefits? Do my benefits impact my bedroom entitlement? Your bedroom entitlement is linked with your Local Housing Allowance (LHA). Indeed, depending on who you live with and your own situation, you may be entitled to a bedroom for yourself. This Your Benefits article will tell you all you need to know about bedroom entitlement.

What is bedroom entitlement?

Your bedroom entitlement is used to calculate your eligibility for Local Housing Allowance. Indeed, LHA is used to calculate Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. Your bedroom entitlement depends on many factors. One of the main factor that impacts bedroom entitlement is the type of people that live with you, as well as your own situation.

There are different bedroom entitlements for every situation. Indeed, you may have children, not have children, be a couple or be single. There are other situations, and each one have different rules for bedroom entitlements.

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rates differ based in their Broad Market Area. Indeed, a Broad Market Area is not the same thing as a local council area. As such, a Broad Market Area may include multiple local councils, and vice versa. The Local Housing Rates for some Broad Market Areas in 2022 are as follows:

Examples of LHA rates from April 2022
Broad Rental Market The tenant is entitled to one bedroom and shares other facilities The tenant is entitled to one bedroom and does not share other facilities The tenant is entitled to two bedroom The tenant is entitled to two bedroom The tenant is entitled to two bedroom
Harrogate £75,00 £120,82 £153,04 £182,96 £246,25
Inner East London £136,50 £295,49 £365,92 £441,86 £585,70
Lancaster £70,25 £96,66 £120,82 £138,08 £161,10
Mendip £75,00 £111,62 £143,84 £179,51 £230,14
Northampton £89,50 £126,58 £159,95 £184,11 £234,74

Why is bedroom entitlement important?

Bedroom entitlement is important because it is a huge factor in determining your Local Housing Allowance (LHA). Indeed, it determines the number of bedrooms that you can have in your home. Furthermore, this will impact your eligibility for Housing Benefit and Universal Credit.

However, this works the other way around as well. Indeed, you may receive Universal Credit or Housing Benefit. Depending on which you receive, your bedroom entitlement may differ.

Family members may be resident carers, an overnight carer, or share a room with a person aged 16 or older. Then, they could have an additional bedroom for overnight care. The number of people or single adults and dependent children can vary.

What is Local Housing Allowance (LHA)?

It’s important to know what Local Housing Allowance is in the first place. Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is used to know your eligibility for benefits such as Universal Credit and Housing Benefit. More specifically, for those who rent from private landlords.

Local Housing Allowance (LHA) is based on a couple of factors. First, it is dependent on the area in which you live (more specifically, your Broad Market Area). Second, it relies on the amount of rent that you are charged. Lastly it is based on the bedrooms that you have and are entitled to.

Furthermore, there are changes that have occurred to Local Housing Allowance since 2011. Indeed, certain rules were abolished. This was because of government welfare reforms. If you want to know more, you can learn more about Local Housing Allowance (LHA).

Bedroom entitlement rules for single people: what are they?

Bedroom entitlement rules for single people: what are they?

Typically, the bedroom entitlement of single tenants is one. Indeed, they are entitled to one bedroom. This is the case for social tenants. Private tenants who are single and 35 years or older are also entitled to one bedroom. Indeed, the Local Housing Allowance rules impact them in the same manner that it impacts couples.

Note that, most of the time, single private tenants will be tied to the shared accommodation rate. Indeed, this is the case even if they do not share accommodation with anyone. Additionally, although there are exceptions, this is the case for both Universal Credit and Housing Benefit.

You may have joint tenants. Furthermore, you may receive Housing Benefit. If this is the case, you will receive the shared accommodation Local Housing Allowance rate. However, you may receive Universal Credit instead. Then, you will be entitled to one bedroom.

Bedroom entitlement rules for couples: what are they?

Typically, couples are entitled to a single bedroom. Indeed, this is the case for most couples. However, there are some exceptions.

You may be private tenants. Additionally, you may have joint tenants. Lastly, you may receive Housing Benefit as a couple. In this case, you will be entitled to the shared accommodation rate.

Instead of Housing Benefit, you may instead receive Universal Credit. In this case, you are instead entitled to one bedroom.

What is considered a couple? Legally, couples are two individuals, either married or in a civil partnership, or living together as if they were married or in a civil partnership.

Bedroom entitlement rules non-dependants: what are they?

You may live with non-dependants. This includes parents, or older children. Then, each individual in this category is considered to require a bedroom for themselves. How much you receive with benefits may also be decreased if non-dependant adults live with you.

Furthermore, you may have adults living with you as a couple. Additionally, you may claim benefits. More specifically, you could receive Universal Credit. Then, the individuals in the couple are entitled to one bedroom each. However, you may receive Housing Benefit. Then, the couple is entitled to one bedroom. 

You may be required to indicate the number of adults who live with you. However, this excludes your landlord, any joint tenants that you have, as well as you and your own partner.

Who is considered a non-dependant?

Typically, non-dependants are parents or older children who are living with you. As such, they are older individuals. More specifically, non-dependants need to live with you, and be all of the following:

  • Older than 18 years old;
  • Not a dependant child or your partner;
  • Not responsible for paying the rent, or not paying the Council Tax.

You may have grown-up people living with you who pay rent. Indeed, this might include those paying rent following a formal arrangement. Then, they are considered a boarder, sub-tenant or a lodger. However, they are not considered as being non-dependant.

Bedroom entitlement rules for children: what are they?

Bedroom entitlement rules for children: what are they?

You may have children. Then, the bedroom entitlement of these children depend on two factors: their sex and age. Indeed, the bedroom entitlement changes the older a child get, and depends on whether or not two children are of the same sex. More specifically:

  • Two children who are between 0 and 15 years old and are of the same sex are expected to share one bedroom;
  • Two children who are between and 9 years old can share one bedroom, regardless of sex;
  • Children between 16 and 19 years old are entitled to a bedroom for themselves.

You may have children and wonder what other benefits you could receive. Indeed, you could be eligible for Child Benefit. If you child is disabled, you may even be able to get Child Disability Payment. Then, Your Benefits can help. Not only do we write articles, but also provide a free simulator which can show you the benefits you are entitled to.

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What are the rules for joint tenants, lodgers and sub-tenants?

You may be a joint tenant. Indeed, joint tenants are all liable and responsible for paying their rent. If you share housing with someone with whom you are a tenancy agreement, you are joint tenants.

Typically, joint tenants are entitled to their own bedrooms. Indeed, this is if 2 of those joint tenants are not considered a couple. Then, it is likely that those two people are entitled to one bedroom.

You may also want to know your bedroom entitlement with lodgers or sub-tenants. For Housing Benefit, they count as an adult occupant. Indeed, they then are linked with the appropriate bedroom entitlement. However, you may also receive money from them. Then, this money is counted to determine how much benefits you can get.

Instead of Housing Benefit, you may get Universal Credit. Then, the rental income you receive from them does not count towards the income relevant for Universal Credit. When calculating bedroom entitlement, however, boarders, lodgers and sub-tenants are not entitled to a single bedroom each

You may be a social tenant who receive Universal Credit. Additionally, you may have sub-tenants, boarders or lodgers. Then, the room that they live in is considered a spare. As such, you may get a bedroom tax on these rooms. This is a deduction for under occupation, which impacts the housing element of Universal Credit.

Can I qualify to have an extra bedroom?

You may be able to increase the number of bedrooms that you can have in your home. Indeed, this is the case if some conditions apply to you. Indeed, if one of several situation apply to you, you should be entitled for an extra bedroom in your bedroom entitlement. The situations are as follows:

  • Homes that have an adult child or children who serve in the armed forces and are away because of their service;
  • Foster carers between placements. However, in the past 12 months, they need to become foster parents or have fostered a child;
  • An adult couple impacted by a disability, and who cannot share a bedroom;
  • child impacted by a disability. Said child must be typically need to share a bedroom (because of their age and sex), but is unable to because of their disability;
  • non-dependantchild or disabled adult who requires care during the night from a single or multiple carers that do not live with you.
An extra bedroom to your bedroom entitlement is not the only thing you could have been missing out on. Indeed, you may have been missing out on benefits you are entitled to. Then, Your Benefits can help. Indeed, we provide a free simulator which can show you all the benefits you should be getting. And again, it’s completely free!

Robin is a writer for Your Benefits, writing about aids that people may be entitled to. He is currently working on his Master in journalism at the Institut Supérieur de Formation au Journalisme in Lille.

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